Friday, March 15, 2019

Do I believe that boys who can be trusted of 8 and 10 years old should still have .22 rifles on their bedroom walls

The simple answer might be "yes".

If you look back to how all this changed from what it was for at least 400 to 500 years to what it is now it mostly came from a negative reaction to the Viet Nam war more than any other thing.

The idea was that the government had lied to the people about Viet Nam and the government had assassinated President John F. Kennedy and so boys shouldn't any longer have weapons somehow because of the lies of the killing of Kennedy and Bobby his brother and of Martin Luther King.

I'm not sure how lies told by our government and the killing of Kennedy and Bobby and Martin Luther King have anything at all to do with boys not having .22 rifles to keep in their bedrooms to protect the family any longer.

From my point of view it has much more to do with a mis handling of life here in the U.S.

The whole point of boys 8 to 10 or older having their own .22 rifles was to protect themselves, their communities, their parents and their cities, states and nations from wrong doers and from animals and varmints more than anything else. It was a part of the same Citizen militia that has always allowed the U.S. to begin to exist in the first place.

Without a citizen militia and a rifle above the fireplace for protection and hunting and varmints this nation could never have existed or have been separated from England in the first place.

So, the same thing that started the United States also maintains the United States ongoing and protects the United States from potential Dictators like Trump.

So, having boys or girls who are responsible enough to have and to use a weapon like a .22 rifle is still needed just as much as it was in 1620 or in 1776 right now to protect their families, their cities, and their states from harm ongoing.

But, this is also true of every responsible adult in the U.S. as well.

If you notice everywhere cities have made it illegal to own guns that criminal activity goes up substantially when cities take away the rights to own guns within that city. Chicago is a perfect example of the problems created when you make guns illegal for citizens to own. You can look at all the murders in Chicago as a direct co-relation of making guns illegal in Chicago in the first place.

When you take away guns from law abiding citizens then only Criminals own guns and then use them on the law abiding citizens.

It's always been this way. So, why don't people see this?

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