Thursday, March 21, 2019

Do you want to choose to be an intuitive?

The main problem with being an intuitive is you need to know how to "Open up your senses". But, for example, if you were on a battlefield trying to survive you likely would want a different set of instincts open that would allow you to survive.

So, knowing which set of instincts to open when is one of the biggest things you have to learn as an intuitive. For example, you really don't want the same wide open senses that you might have while watching a sunset in a safe place with people you love as you would on a battlefield or with people who don't believe in all this that might make fun of you if you told them what you were up to.

So, learning when to talk about what you are doing and when not to is one of the biggest things you have to learn if you are going to be an intuitive in action in your lives.

Because staying alive and healthy as an intuitive most of the time you can't share much of anything with most people even though you might easily be able to often save the lives of those around you as you walk by them without saying a word verbally to them.

So, this is what is often interesting about being an intuitive of what you can do to save people's lives without even making eye contact or speaking with someone. In fact, most of this is usually automatic once you are realized and developed as right mindful compassionate intuitive kind of person.

By God's Grace

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