Saturday, March 23, 2019

Political Correctness Prevents "Free Speech"

The ideas of Political Correctness even though noble on one level also prevent "Free Speech". But, without free speech we become a nation of children unable to deal with many points of view instead of just one like in a dictatorship.

I have often thought that actually Trump is a direct response of the people to Political Correctness more than anything else. Trump is a blue collar response in anger against "political Correctness" where conservatives send their children to public colleges and they come home liberal thinking Politically correct people unable to be diverse enough to deal with any other point of view.

In some ways it reminds me a lot of how the Government has done the same thing on another level as political correctness has done to the whole college educated nation. The Government has forced people to not talk about UFOs on pain of losing their careers.

Likewise, the college campuses have FORCED people to not deal with conservative thought if it falls outside the bounds of political correctness.

In the early 1990s when I attended UCSC I remember being in a college class when someone who was violently into Lesbian rights said, "All Men should be killed" and as a married man with a family I couldn't say anything to defend men without being expelled from school at that time.

This is the harm that political correctness has done to public colleges everywhere. And this is but one instance of how insane it has gotten. Now there are thousands of equally insane points of view not allowed to be confronted whether you are a college professor, an assistant professor or a student.

All are equally screwed in regard to having any point of view but a completely politically correct one.

It's true you could have any point of view at all, but if you speak it you will either lose your job as a professor or assistant professor or be expelled if you are a student.

So, Free Speech no longer exists on most college campuses unless they are private religious colleges and sometimes at private religious colleges politically correct speech is forbidden, so they are equally bad in the opposite ways.

As a result it makes all colleges ONLY one dimensional and so polarizing they can only incite violence in the short and long run in a completely polarized America now.

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