Thursday, March 14, 2019

To Whom much is given much is expected

What does this mean?

From my point of view it means whoever God puts in your life around you if you have the means, spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally to help others you should offer help to others whenever it seems appropriate and useful.

However, many people are proud and would not accept help even if they are dying. So, we need to respect this in people too.

However, those that will actually accept your help you need to be right mindful about. Remember always that money, knowledge, and help of all kinds is a kind of power and that we must use this power wisely so it actually helps and doesn't hurt those we are trying to help. And this can be very difficult indeed to correctly assess many situations we come across in life.

This is all a part of Nobles Oblige (which is French for) "The obligation of the nobility to help those less fortunate."

Sometimes here in the U.S. I find this thinking is lost on many. I still see it in people like Bill Gates and his wife who have set aside billions of dollars to try to help mankind and some others like this. But most people aren't organized around helping people at this level. So, each of us have to do what we can to help others along the way appropriate to our health and wealth and capacity to help others in meaningful useful ways.

By God's Grace

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