Thursday, March 14, 2019

Why is Gratitude so Important in life?

There is a saying: "Gratitude is the motor of life" and this is absolutely true".


Because Gratitude allows you to have good health both mentally and physically.

Unless you are grateful for all the good things in your life already, life tends to not bring you more good things.

But, if you are grateful for each and every good thing already the bounties of life are often infinite.

What I mean by this is that gratitude often brings more and more reasons to be grateful.

This is just how it works.

In my own life I am grateful for God in my life as I have seen the mess of most people's lives without God first hand long term now.

I am grateful for my parents who taught me about God who were mystical Christian Ministers. I'm grateful for all my relatives and friends throughout my long life.

I'm grateful for all the wilderness that God has allowed me to be around which to me are God's real church here on earth.

I'm not fond of man made churches and prefer God's real church which is the wildnerness any day.

So, I prefer to be with God in the wilderness over anything else.

So, I'm grateful for National Parks, National Forests and oceans that are protected which we find a lot on the west coast of the U.S. where I grew up.

I'm grateful I was never stabbed or shot growing up or forced to go die in Viet Nam like many I knew or return from there permanently dysfunctional like many I have known along the way who are mostly dead now.

I'm grateful to have been raised mostly in Washington state and California State where people tend to be freer than almost any other places on earth in how they think and act all the time.

I'm grateful to still be alive and to know that all my children are healthy and alive and all have either been to college or graduated college or are going to college right now so their future lives and the lives of their children will be better too.

Thank you God for life!

By God's Grace

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