Thursday, March 21, 2019

Why is the United States the strongest and most resilient nation on earth?

In the United States of America ALL nations, all nationalities, and All Religions live together in peace. We have a few domestic Terrorists but far less than most nations if you look into this seriously.

America is the most remarkable place like this on earth. I sort of gravitate towards the West Coast because even black people and white people can talk to each other unlike many places on the East coast especially in the South. But, even then, all states in the U.S. are more equal in their ideas than any other single place on earth in regard to nationality, culture and religion.

All the best qualities of all races and all religions and all cultures meet together here in the U.S. and the changes that are successful fan out all over the world from here, the most peaceful international place thus far on earth.

By God's Grace

Note: Many of you around the world are horrified that there are so many guns in America. But, without the guns America could have never been and wouldn't exist now either and neither would any democracy presently on earth. This is my present belief.

So, removing all guns from the civilians in the U.S. would be the beginning of the end of all democracies on earth.

Americas guns are the last defense left for all democracies and free peoples on earth. And without them we all soon would be slaves of some worldwide dictator. I would say within 50 to 75 years of when the last civilian gun was removed from American hands. This would be my prediction as an intuitive.

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