Friday, March 8, 2019

You cannot think a thought without soul traveling


Because the universe is Being in regard to a soul. Time and space doesn't really have useful meaning to a soul.


Because you are already everywhere. There is no place that you are not.

Just like one says that "God is Everywhere" because you are of God you are everywhere too.

It took me 10 years of soul travel to fully experience this. I realized that the universe we consider to be physical is Not really physical.

Instead it is only in the mind of God that we all exist. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to do what I do.

So, the realization that we are already "Everywhere" is maybe the most useful thing I can tell you.

You might ask: "How is this useful?"

Because if you fully realize you are already anywhere and everywhere you want to be there is no more struggle in life.

There is only Peace and Being and that's all.

If time and space are not ultimately real then there is only Peace and Being. There is nothing to be afraid of. There is nothing to run from. You are already everywhere you want to be with God.

You live free in the heart of God throughout all time and space because God is both all time and space and no time and space simultaneously.

By God's Grace

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