Friday, June 7, 2024

Because there are so many time travelers in our Galaxy my writings are for those in the past, present and future

 God was sharing with me how very much human beings are going to change during the next few centuries.

If you look at how much people have changed because of Jet planes flying them all over the world now, you have to see that now because of AI on top of all that people are going to become very very different than they are now this century too.

Also, the majority of population of earth isn't going to make it through this century either and there will be a lot of grief and guilt around this that people are going to carry too. It's the kind of grief people saw after World war II where 100 million or more people died which was a lot of grief because there were so many less people then.

But now, this century likely our numbers will be reduced by about 7 billion people by 2100 AD. 

How will most of them die? Most people are going to die of Starvation and lack of water this century and not by war. Although if I look at Ukraine and Gaza and Israel I likely could see wars killing at least 100 million people or more this century too.

So, the grief people are going to feel losing so many friends and loved ones worldwide is going to change people a lot this century. Then if you combine this with AI changes and people marrying robots with AI and things like this then this will change people in all sorts of unexpected ways with all kinds of new mental health situations arising as you can imagine.

So, by 2100 you will likely not recognize the human race barely at all compared to the way people are today. 

However, if I go back even to 1950 when I was 2 and remember people then I cannot recognize people today as being anything like that either. So, it's all relative I believe at this point.

However, in regard to my writings I am writing for people throughout this galaxy and others who live in the past, present and future because I have been Asked to do this on behalf of the Galaxy by a relative of mine who presently runs this galaxy.

By God's Grace

NOTE: My personal experience as a soul traveler consciously since around age 20 when Archangel Gabriel gave me this gift as a way to keep me alive through my 20s is that We are all of what I would call or name "The Soul Species" of being who create all galaxies. We incarnate sometimes as human beings to value life when we get very old as souls because mortality (or the appearance of mortality) makes us value continuing to be alive. We do this mainly for all our relatives and friends who might be millions of years younger than we are or even billions of years younger than we are. Because just like now as patriarch of my family I try to live as long as I can for my children and grandchildren and likely eventually great grandchildren here on earth.

However, this is something we do as patriarchs and Matriarchs of the Soul Species that live billions of years and builds galaxies (like people build farms or ranches on earth) so that more of our species can live well throughout the physical universe.

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