Friday, June 7, 2024

eye doctor regarding rosacea

 The eye doctor told me that most people he has seen who have rosacea if not all of them have a certain kind of bacteria in their eyes which needs to be killed off periodically by eye pads heated in the microwave usually for 30 seconds (or whatever works for you). the bacteria in your eyes needs to be heated above 100 degrees for 5 minutes in order to kill most of them off. 

The reason you want to do this is because if the bacteria become too many they are likely to pit your cornea of your eyes which might make your vision more blurry. so, by reducing the number of this type pf Rosacea bacteria you can keep better eyesight ongoing through out your life.

People especially from England and Scotland and Scandanavian countries tend to have rosacea the most hereditarily even though the cause of it likely is still unknown. However, there are various types of treatments available through doctors around the world.

Obviously you don't put the heated eye pads directly on your eyeballs but close your eyes before putting them on your eyes but be careful not to make them too hot. So, one can do this about once every 3 to 5 days depending upon the need that time of year.

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