Friday, June 7, 2024

In 1980 I began to write about Arcane

 At the time I believed I was writing Science Fiction because I didn't believe at that point that I could experience lifetimes in the future. So, from my point of view then I thought I was writing Science Fiction to heal myself using psychological techniques I had learned from studying to become a psychologist in my early 20s. However, before I became a psychologist my live in girlfriend got pregnant and so we married and I had to go to work to take care of them both. So, around 6 years later I was living in Mt. Shasta raising kids and I walked over one day to what was then called "Pine Grove Health food store" near the Mt. Shasta Cemetary then on Lassen Lane from where I lived at the intersection of Lassen Lane and Old Stage Road. I bought some food and they gave me a large paper grocery bag to put my food in. It was a beautiful day not too hot with spring like weather and no forest fire smoke yet that year of 1980. I had just remarried a lady with 2 kids from her first marriage and I was raising my son from my first marriage too then. I would have been 32 years old at this point.

Somehow when I got back it was so beautiful out I was inspired to write on this paper grocery bag with a pen longhand. When I wrote the first page of Arcane I was very pleased with what I had written and felt deeply healed in a way I had never experienced before. I knew I had "found my voice" as a writer and I continued to write in this style ever since.

The more I wrote in this style the more I was healed and all the "pieces of me" from traumas in my youth and up through my 20s including my divorce in 1978 were healing from all the traumas.

So, I continued to write in this style all the way through to today here in June of 2024 when inspired to do so.

However, then in 1998 when I was 50 (I began this writing style at age 32) at 50 I got a heart virus likely from the stresses of my life and I believed I might be dying and doctors didn't disagree with me. So, as I prepared for my likely death and was forced to retire for 9 months trying to recover I realized how I had perceived a human soul wasn't as things really were. So, in this prepartion for death because I am also very intuitive and a precognitive psychic I often can go very deep into things and because I had time to do this because people believed I likely was dying and had retired I was able to see that what a soul really is

has absolutely NOTHING to do with time or space. At first I was completely blown away by this realization but after a time I realized this also meant that what I had been writing since 1980 was all true and was past, present and future incarnations of myself and friends souls mostly and that I should publish what I wrote because it would help people to especially face their futures here on earth.

So, while I was promising God that I would start a blog to sing his praises at Stanford Hospital next to Stanford University I also realized I could help mankind by publishing things about Arcane that I never had really intended to publish before.

So, in June of 1999 and after I started publishing at my websites what I had written about Arcane little by little as I wrote more and more over the years about Arcane and Elohar and Ragna and Ah Ray In and the His Oneness of Earth and all the other beings who help earth and New Deva and the Galaxy.

By God's Grace

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