Wednesday, June 12, 2024

What have I learned today regarding the AI Python programming language

 It's actually too early for me to put into words what I'm learning simply because right now I'm learning the terms regularly used in the Python language for example:

Features of Online Python Compiler (Interpreter)

This feature which runs online at

will likely allow new or old python programming students to experiment with Code to see what the code does over time. This is exactly how I taught myself HTML Code by saving and playing with a page in one of my older computers running Windows 95 around 1995 or so. So, basically I was teaching myself HTML about 30 years ago now but I learned Fortran, COBOL in 1966 to 1968 and worked with computers part time or full time through the college or in private industry for several years after that too. 

However, when I learned that I couldn't really do what I wanted to with computers for another 50 years or so I changed professions because I found systems then pretty tedious and time consuming and not worth my investment of time anymore. However, programming and computers have been a hobby of mine ever since.

I bought my first home computer in 1978 which was a TRS-80 and taught my children to program their own games on it in the Basic language then during the next 10 years. Then in 1987 I bought in Silicon Valley an IBM Clone and color printer for around 2500 dollars and the family was on their way. It was all MS-DOS then because Windows 95 hadn't been invented yet. I liked MS-DOS a lot because you could do much more with computers freely than you can now. Each operating system shuts the user out of more and more technology. If you understand the technology like I do you see this too.

However, computers they way they functioned in the business community at least did NOT have RAM or Microchips yet in the 1960s. It wasn't until around 1980 with Apple that this began to change a lot starting with IBM Clones and Apple home computers.

Later: I realized today for example that we are at a similar place with AI as we were with Dialup internet connections in the early 1990s. Just like we never could have imagined then what would happen worldwide we cannot imagine where it's all going to go now either.

I think AI will likely be something like the way we use our smartphones now to look up anything we don't know. However, likely we will have involved verbal conversations with AI regarding almost anything too that could literally go on for years.

This could be really liberating or totally self serving in a not good way depending upon the person's mental health to begin with. I'm not sure AI will keep people from "Going down the Rabbit hole" never to return to any useful reality at all.

So, unless your act is together BEFORE you have a conversation with AI the Conversation could easily be fatal for one reason or another.

AI presently is not capable of ascertaining the mental health or mental or emotional fitness of anyone. And so it wouldn't be sensitive like you or I to people's real needs. It would be good maybe at being dispassionate though with infinite patience that people don't have because they have to breathe and eat and go to the bathroom and do different things and go back to their families every night. So, in this AI might talk with someone 24 hours straight if that is helpful. So, these are some of the good things and bad things about using AI for self Counseling ongoing.

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