Saturday, May 20, 2017

Trump Demands absolute loyalty from everyone but never gives it in return

If we look at what actual loyalty gives to Trump supporters the best answer might be "Bankruptcy" and abandonment by Trump. If you look at how he has treated those who worked for him "especially as building contractors" in the past,  you see how their loyalty to Trump eventually destroyed so many of them.

Likewise now, the loyalty to Trump that he demands is again destroying people's lives in the White House, especially those with no financial resources yet who might still have over $50,000 in student loan debt who might also be idealistic enough to work for him and be loyal to him. It is these young enthusiastic supporters who might have to go into bankruptcy (or mortgage their parents house) and their inheritance to survive these times. How many of these young lives will never recover now because of Trump's Anti-Democracy actions so far? How many lives will be destroyed and not able to recover from this terrible loss in their young lives?

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