Sunday, March 10, 2019

How did I know what to do when I was out of my body for the first time?

I was looking at how spiritual and religious bookstores and how well they are doing. How did I know what to do when I found myself outside my body for the first time?

Well. I had read in a book on soul travel what to do in a bookstore in La Jolla called "the Mythrus" either in 1969 or 1970. So, because I was looking through this book at the bookstore when I found myself outside my body I didn't die. Instead I remembered what I had read in the book on soul travel and even though I was terrified and close to a heart attack or stroke from this, I walked from the bathroom where I had tried to turn on a light in the middle of the night and my arm had gone through the wall which made me realize I was out of my body and I went into shock. If I hadn't known to walk back to where my physical body was I likely wouldn't be here writing for you here today.

So, yes, things that most people might not know about  you might find in Spiritual and religious bookstores  that might save your life to one day like it did mine.

By God's Grace

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