Friday, October 11, 2013

Obama has concerns with GOP proposal

White House: Obama has concerns with GOP proposal - ‎31 minutes ago‎
WASHINGTON (AP) - The White House says President Barack Obama welcomes a ''constructive approach'' from congressional Republicans in a new budget offering but ''has some concerns with it.
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White House: Obama has concerns with GOP proposal

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House says President Barack Obama welcomes a ‘‘constructive approach’’ from congressional Republicans in a new budget offering but ‘‘has some concerns with it.’’
White House press secretary Jay Carney says Obama and House Speaker John Boehner spoke by phone Friday, after officials said House Republicans offered to pass legislation to avert a default and end the 11-day government shutdown. Their proposal to end the stalemate would include cuts in benefit programs and changes to Obama’s health care law.
Carney told reporters Friday he won’t get into details of Obama and Boehner’s call. But he reiterated that Obama believes the debt ceiling should be lifted without ties to budget negotiations.
Carney said a short-term funding bill and debt limit increase are ‘‘the very least that Congress could do.’’

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White House: Obama has concerns with GOP proposal

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