Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Raining at Disneyland and all over L.A. and San Diego

The first big storm of the season walloped Los Angeles, San Diego and Anaheim where my wife and I were today in Disneyland. We thought it was a great idea to go to Disneyland when it was raining rather than somewhere in the high 80s or 90s or above Fahrenheit. We were right not a lot of people went so we got an inexpensive umbrella in the French Quarter near Pirates of the Caribbean ride and then waited in line at the Haunted Mansion which has been converted from what it was to a "Nightmare before Christmas ride based upon the movie.

I was watching how the heavy snow coming down in Big Bear knocked the power out and how one couple was celebrating their 14 year anniversary of marriage were going to have to spend the night in their hotel room without power after leaving the restaurant after having been served dinner to finish eating in the dark without power.

However, the one thing I learned was that wearing Crocs in the rain isn't the best idea. Though I managed by taking small careful steps and only started to slip once. (Crocs are rubber sandals that massage your feet for better circulation as you walk. So, the effect normally (without the rain feels a lot like you are walking on kitchen sponges which can be quite pleasant at times).

The other thing that was happening at Disneyland was that they were having an employee party for the kids of Disneyland employees who were going to trick or treat the park tonight so it was going to close at 6 pm in the main park even though if you got a Park hopper (California Experience and Disneyland you could keep going until 8pm by switching over to the California experience at 6pm. However, it was raining so much we felt the 93 dollars each was enough because a park hopper was about 137 dollars per person for the day.

We wound up going on the Haunted Mansion, The Tiki Room and the Pirates of the Caribbean which soaked us because we were in the front, especially my wife, who wasn't happy about getting so wet. I got wet too but not as much as her. And since this was a rainy day this wasn't a time when you wanted to be wet. Then we tried to go to Tom Sawyer's Island because I haven't been over there for years but they said they closed it at 4 pm because of the mess the rain was making of it for people walking on some of the dirt trails there.

When I was 10 in 1958 my best friend and I were turned loose there to play over there which was amazing for a 10 year old then. We went through the caves and played in the fort with the toy rifles and went on everything that moved on the island which was great fun for my 10th birthday. I lived in Glendale then about 1 hour or more drive from Disneyland depending upon the traffic.

So, Disneyland even with the rain was great because there weren't many people there and those that were were either covered with plastic to keep off the rain or had umbrellas and there were also some people in shorts and T-shirts likely from colder climates getting very very wet.

I'm really happy to get my wife out of our home area because she is worrying too much about our daughter going away to college somewhere next fall. So, having been through this before with my now ex-wife (empty nest syndrome) and having it help break up my last marriage, I'm trying to prepare my wife for what comes next. So, if your kids leave and they were all you lived for how are you going to keep your marriage together without them around? So, my wife and I are sort of like dating and building bridges for the next stage in our lives which is important if you want to stay married. I've already been divorced twice and I never want to do that ever again. So, to stay married when your kids move away or go away to college you have to make a plan and be friends already for things to work out.

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