Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Republicans have decided to force default?

This appears at present to be a true statement. As both an intuitive and as a psychic I'm horrified my visions of the past year might be coming to pass. What happens in my vision is there is no give on either side which would allow a compromise. Without a compromise our democracy ends for awhile. The president is forced to go to martial law, the private militias mobilize against Obama and are blown away by the U.S. military. This appears to be what is coming now. The present world order is collapsing. My question would be: Why is this being allowed to happen? and for what purpose?

What is going to happen now not only to everyone in the U.S. but everyone on Earth?

The outcome of the future might not be what we think. Is civilization as we know it collapsing or unraveling? Maybe.

I suppose another way to look at this would be the following: Since 1776 white men have controlled the destiny of America. This is no longer true. The White Republicans are not giving this control up without a fight. The old order dies hard. This appears to be what is really happening. The Tea Party seems to think it is still the 1950s. It's not. This is a reality check for all of us worldwide. For America it is a horrific  experience. It might be horrific for the world soon.

Also, this is how the Republicans engineered this default: First the Republicans set aside normal House Rules. Under normal House rules ANY House member can bring something up for a vote. This rule was in place to prevent exactly what is happening now. So, the Republicans have literally Rigged this Default to happen and rigged the Government to shut down and taken away house members ability to end the shutdown because no House member can call anything up for a vote without getting the approval of Cantor or Boehner. This to me appears to be a conspiracy to cause the U.S. Government to shut down and default. I think this might be considered treason against the U.S. Government and People. What do you think?

So, unless there is some real reason militarily or strategically that the U.S. Government needs to do this, basically this is insane and suicidal to the U.S. government and our Constitutional Democracy.

Note: I only share the future when I want to change it. When I like the future I see I just let it happen. This future the one I wrote about here has to go.

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