Saturday, December 2, 2023

What is the most useful part of intuition that I have personally experienced?

 You tend to know when bad things are going to happen and to not be where they are going to happen when they happen. So, this is one reason why owning your own business and being completely free as to where you can be any given moment is important to your survival so there is no conflict with a job and your personal survival or the survival of your family.

The 2nd thing I like about my intuition is that I can sense the state of consciousness in drivers around me on a freeway or highway. In this way I know which drivers are too dangerous to be around and make sure I'm not near them.

And contrary to popular belief the most dangerous people on the highway are NOT on drugs or alcohol. The most dangerous drivers a relative or friend just died or they just broke up with the love of their lives.

These REALLY are the most dangerous people to be around when you are driving simply because their normal HANDLE on reality is simply not there, temporarily or permanently.

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