Wednesday, October 9, 2013

more research regarding spontaneous combustion and modern Day use of an Ark of the Covenant

This is a reprint of an article I worked on a few days ago because I updated it with new information. I was researching the blackouts of the Northeast to see which one was the most likely to have been caused by the use of a small ark of the Covenant by MIT. I wasn't sure of the year but knew this is one of the reasons that George Lucas wrote "Raiders of the Lost Ark" because he heard about this incident too.


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Spontaneous Human Combustion: One Theory

I had an experience in 1970 in the summer and fall when I thought I was going to catch fire. Both my arms felt like they were going to catch on fire for about 2 months. My theory is that I did not catch on fire because I am an intuitive and was capable of rechanneling the energy into various kinds of healing for myself and others. So, my thought is that "Burning Bushes" so called by Moses are actually real things that can be found especially on power points on Mountains and various other kinds of physical power points on the earth. My thought is that some houses and buildings might be built on power points by people and people who are sensitive for whatever the reason at some point who don't know what to do like I eventually found out catch on fire and day instead. One of the things I have realized is panicking or feeling terrified likely would trigger a spontaneous combustion just like resistance to electricity makes an incandescent light come on. If the incandescent light was not in a vacuum the filament would catch on fire and burn out. This is what happens to people too when they get terrified or extremely fearful and resist the energy coming through them and then they catch on fire and die. Many more people have been spontaneously combusting (catching on fire and buring up from within their bodies)  around the world lately so maybe it is something more people need to think about.

This is what happened to me:

I was climbing Mt. Shasta with a group of young men (there were four of us) under 25 years of age. We had spent the night at Horse Camp Lodge (an emergency stone shelter built by the Sierra Club to rescue climbers from spring until fall of every year when a rescue custodian usually lives there.

At about 2 am I was getting cold because I hadn't brought a warm enough sleeping bag so I got up and told the others I was going to begin the climb alone. I was 22 years old in August 1970. As I set out alone it was obviously dark and the stars were very bright that night but some of the time there was no moon at all that night. So, I had a flashlight to see where I was walking when it got too rough to pick my way without it. Then after about a mile or so going up from Horse Camp I came upon something I had never seen or heard of before. I sensed it was some sort of spiritual technology. And so I walked up to it within about 2 feet or so and felt I would be blessed by being near to it. However, after a time( maybe 10 or 20 minutes) it told me I had to leave or I would be damaged by it. It looked like the Transporter in Star Trek looks when people are transported electronically from one place to another. I then climbed to the top of the mountain slower than the other climbers because I was deeply spiritually moved by this experience. When I was near to it I felt tingles go up my spine like I was connected to electric current and the hair on the back of my head stood up as well. So, I felt very altered from this very real experience. So, I climbed to the top and then slid down on the plastic I brought about 4000 vertical  feet in the snow at speeds up to 30 mph while using an ice axe as a brake so I didn't go too fast and die. I left the top at about 4 pm and arrived at the end of the snow in site of horse camp lodge near or around lake Helen by 4:30 or 5 pm. Since it was summer the sun wasn't going to set until 8 or 9 pm and we had literally done the climb in one day from Horse camp starting at 2 am or 2:30 for the rest of the guys. Three of the 4 of us had made it to the top that day in August 1970.

However, when I returned home to San Diego where I went to college then I found I was very different than I was before. My dreams were very powerful and empowered and my arms started feeling like I was going to catch on fire. At first I thought, "Wow! I have been empowered by the Holy Spirit and I should help heal people in any way that I can and I did by God's Grace. However, this sort of thing got more and more powerful and I began to think I was going to catch on fire. So, finally I took some kids from San Diego that wanted to go to the Rio Hondo Commune in Taos there and visited a girlfriend from High School in Santa Fe, New Mexico in trying to difuse this powerful energy. I didn't really have any teacher to show me what to do with it then so I was scared I was going to catch on fire and die. The next couple of years were very difficult trying to get used to all this but I managed not to catch on fire like some people do. I learned panicking in this kind of situation is only going to cause you to  catch on fire and die. So, I somehow made the transition to permanent bearer of the Holy Spirit like Moses and many others have done down through the centuries.

So, it was literally "A Trial By Fire" and I wouldn't recommend it for anyone but someone who is very spiritually strong and with God 24 hours a day. Others not strong enough are going to catch on fire and die. I nearly did too.

So, my theory is that there are power points like the one Moses called, "The Burning Bush". But they aren't really bushes but some kind of spiritual technology like physical lightning. However, they have a profound empowering effect on human bodies and minds and spirits. But, literally it is a trial by fire and many might not survive it if they panic ever.

I think the same energy is a part of the "Ark of the Covenant" which is an electrical technology that often would kill people or priests. I have heard at one time (when there were a lot of power blackouts on the EAst Coast) that MIT and BYU built small arks and the one at MIT had to be destroyed by a sledge hammer at a distance to stop it because it knocked out all power for about 100 miles around it. This likely happened in the 1960s or 1970s.

note: in an effort to find out which blackouts were caused potentially by a small ark of the covenant I decided to check through wikipedia:
About 135,000,000 results (0.39 seconds) 

Search Results

List of major power outages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On 14 August, the Northeast blackout of 2003, a wide-area power failure in the northeastern USA and central Canada, affected over 55 million people.
Largest - ‎1960–1969 - ‎1970–1979 - ‎1980–1989

This is the most likely blackout to have been caused by a small Ark of the Covenant built at MIT:

Northeast blackout of 1965

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A map of the states and provinces affected; not all areas within the political boundaries were blacked out.
The Northeast blackout of 1965 was a significant disruption in the supply of electricity on Tuesday, November 9, 1965, affecting parts of Ontario in Canada and Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, New York, and New Jersey in the United States. Over 30 million people and 80,000 square miles (207,000 km2) were left without electricity for up to 13 hours.


The cause of the failure was human error that happened days before the blackout. Maintenance personnel incorrectly set a protective relay on one of the transmission lines between the Niagara generating station Sir Adam Beck Station No. 2 in Queenston, Ontario. The safety relay, which was to trip if the current exceeded the capacity of the transmission line, was set too low.
As was common on a cold November evening, power for heating, lighting and cooking was pushing the electrical system to near its peak capacity. Transmission lines heading into Southern Ontario were heavily loaded. At 5:16 p.m. Eastern Time a small surge of power coming from the Robert Moses generating plant in Lewiston, New York caused the improperly set relay to trip at far below the line's rated capacity, disabling a main power line heading into Southern Ontario. Instantly, the power that was flowing on the tripped line transferred to the other lines, causing them to become overloaded. Their protective relays, which are designed to protect the line from overload, tripped, isolating Beck Station from all of Southern Ontario.
With no place else to go, the excess power from Beck Station then switched direction and headed east over the interconnected lines into New York State, overloading them as well and isolating the power generated in the Niagara region from the rest of the interconnected grid. The Beck generators, with no outlet for their power, were automatically shut down to prevent damage. The Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant continued to generate power, which supplied Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation customers in the metropolitan areas of Buffalo and Niagara Falls, NY. These areas ended up being isolated from the rest of the Northeast power grid and remained powered up. The Niagara Mohawk Western NY Huntley (Buffalo) and Dunkirk steam plants were knocked offline.[1] Within five minutes, the power distribution system in the Northeast was in chaos as the effects of overloads and loss of generating capacity cascaded through the network, breaking it up into "islands." Station after station experienced load imbalances and automatically shut down. The affected power areas were the Ontario Hydro System, St Lawrence-Oswego, Upstate New York, and New England. With only limited electrical connection southwards, power to the Southern States was not affected. The only part of the Ontario Hydro System not affected was the Fort Erie area next to Buffalo which was still powered by older 25 Hz generators. Residents in Fort Erie were able to pick up a TV broadcast from New York where a local backup generator was being used for transmission purposes.


An aircheck[2] of New York City radio station WABC revealed Dan Ingram doing his afternoon drive time show, in which he comments that the music sounds slow. The music playback equipment used motors that got their speed timing from the frequency of the powerline, normally 60Hz. Comparisons of segments of the hit songs played at the time of the broadcast, minutes before the blackout happened, in this aircheck, as compared to the same song recordings played at normal speed reveal that approximately six minutes before blackout the line frequency was 56 Hz, and just two minutes before the blackout that frequency dropped to 51 Hz.[citation needed] Ingram mentioned that it seemed the electricity is slowing down, and he didn't know that could happen. He also stated that lights were dimming in the studio. When Action Central News came on at 5:25 pm (ET), the staff remained oblivious to the impending blackout. The lead story was still Roger Allen LaPorte's self-immolation at United Nations Headquarters earlier that day to protest American military involvement in the Vietnam War. The newscast gradually fizzled out as power was lost by the time the newsman started delivering the second story.

Unaffected areas

Some areas within the affected region were not blacked out. Municipal utilities in Holyoke, Massachusetts, Hartford, Connecticut, Braintree, Massachusetts and Taunton, Massachusetts, Fairport, New York and Walden, New York had their own power plants, which operators disconnected from the grid and which were able to sustain local loads.[3]

Effect and aftermath

New York City was dark by 5:27 p.m. The blackout was not universal in the city. Some neighborhoods, including the Midwood section of Brooklyn, NY, never lost power. Also, some areas in New York City suburban area Bergen County, New Jersey, served by PSE&G, did not lose power. Most of the television stations in the New York metro area went dead, as well as about half the FM stations.
Fortunately, a bright full moon lit up the cloudless sky over the entire blackout area, providing some aid for the millions who were suddenly plunged into darkness.
Power restoration was uneven. Most generators had no auxiliary power to use for startup. Parts of Brooklyn were repowered by 11:00pm, the rest of the borough by midnight. However, the entire city was not returned to normal power supply until nearly 7:00 a.m. the next day, November 10.
Power in western New York was restored in a few hours, thanks to the independent generating plant at Eastman Kodak Company in Rochester, New York, which stayed online throughout the blackout. It provided auxiliary power to restart other generators in the area which, in turn, were used to get all generators in the blackout area going again.
The New York Times was able to produce a ten-page edition for November 10, using the printing presses of a nearby paper that was not affected, the Newark Evening News. The front page showed a photograph of the city skyline with its lights all out.
Following the blackout, measures were undertaken to try to prevent a repetition. Reliability councils were formed to establish standards, share information, and improve coordination between electricity providers. Ten councils were created covering the four networks of the North American Interconnected Systems. The Northeast Power Coordinating Council covered the area affected by the 1965 blackout.
The task force that investigated the blackout found that a lack of voltage and current monitoring was a contributing factor to the blackout, and recommended improvements. The Electric Power Research Institute helped the electric power industry develop new metering and monitoring equipment and systems, which have become the modern SCADA systems in use today.
In contrast to the wave of looting and other incidents that took place during the 1977 New York City blackout, only five reports of looting were made in New York City after the 1965 blackout. It was said to be the lowest amount of crime on any night in the city's history since records were first kept.[4]

In Popular Culture

During the Quantum Leap Season 1 Episode 6 "Double Identity", the blackout is caused by a 1000W hair dryer being plugged in. Al and Ziggy suggest that these events will allow Sam to leap.
At the end of Green Acres season 1 episode 25 "Double Drick", the blackout is theorized to have been caused when Mr. Douglas plugs an extension cord into the outlet at the top of a power pole which was just installed by the inept employees of the local public utility.

The myth of the blackout baby boom

A thriving urban legend arose in the wake of the Northeast Blackout of 1965, in which it is told that a peak in the birthrate of the blackout areas was observed nine months after the incident. The origin of the myth is a series of three articles published in August 1966 in the New York Times,[5] in which interviewed doctors told that they had noticed an increased number of births.
The story was debunked in 1970 by J. Richard Udry, a demographer from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who did a careful statistical study that found no increase in the birthrate of the affected areas.

UFO Sightings during the Blackout

When no cause for the blackout was immediately apparent, several UFO writers (including John G. Fuller, in his book Incident at Exeter) postulated that the blackout was caused by UFOs. This was evident by numerous sightings of UFOs near Syracuse prior to the blackout.[6]

See also


  1. Jump up ^ Buffalo Evening News. November 10, 1965.
  2. Jump up ^ MP3 of the WABC broadcast as the blackout happened. Accessed 3 December 2010.
  3. Jump up ^ Time Magazine. December 10, 1965. "Providing Blackout Lights"
  4. Jump up ^ Frum, David (2000). How We Got Here: The '70s. New York, New York: Basic Books. p. 14. ISBN 0-465-04195-7.
  5. Jump up ^ "From Here to Maternity",
  6. Jump up ^ NICAP's report of UFO Sightings during the Nov. 9, 1965 Blackout

Further reading

External links

This page was last modified on 4 October 2013 at 20:37

end quote from:
On the evening of 9 November, the Northeast blackout of 1965 affected portions of seven northeastern states in the United States and the province of Ontario in Canada.

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