Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Increase of Homicide Suicides and the Causes

Since most single or multiple homicide suicide cases around the U.S. and the world are committed by males ages 12 to 30 I think the primary cause of these events is: UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS.

Though you could also say it is growing up in an affluent culture (compared to the rest of the world) I think it is best characterized by unrealistic expectations.

Though we like to "psyche up" our children to become if they wish "President of the United States" or anything they wish to be, in the end this is very materialistic and self serving of us as a nation.

When you put into a child's mind as they grow up that they can literally "Be Anything or Do Anything" this is true. It's just not true for the majority of people growing up in the U.S. and around the world.

So, when you tell children that "They can be anything and that they will be the best lovers and that everyone is going to accept them this is a lie". The truth is that many of them will be so disappointed at the reality of their lives that they are likely going to self destruct in one way or another at some time before they are 30 years of age, especially now when many cannot even find a job here in the U.S. to support themselves or get married and have a family.

The Heady fairy tale days of when a young man could support 5 to 7 people at ages 16 or 17 years of age in the 1950s and 1960s are over. A young person now often has to live at home until they are 30 or 40 in the reality of today. And not having enough money to  marry or have a family is affecting young people around the world which is why so many people now choose to never have children (or be happy) because life isn't working for them at all.

So, we wonder why more and more people get so angry and enraged that they take other people's lives and then their own. I think a better way to look at this is "Why aren't more people upset like this because their lives are just so awful?

Even though I grew up when I always had a job from the time i was 10 years old 1958 if I wanted one, the other side of this was I was so exhausted by the time I was 21 that I was ready to retire from working so hard after school and every summer since I was 12. But, the good side of this was that it made me want to own my own business rather than to be taken advantage by employers who wanted so much and gave me so little in return. So, I learned from all this to start my own businesses, not to pay myself a salary and to mostly operate them on a purely profit or loss basis, to write off vehicles I bought and used them in the business and all the other legal things business owners can do in many situations. My friends often started their own businesses, bought their own property, developed the land themselves, put in wells, built their own houses on weekends and had no mortgages as a result to have to pay off. We found by doing this we could travel the world with all the money we didn't have to pay on mortgages. We worked for ourselves but we also could not work when we could arrange that too. We shared homes before this that we rented together during and after college and discussed how to do all these things in college and after and how not to become a slave to the system like most people are as slaves to corporations and their mortgages and payments. So, we all had our own businesses, traveled the world, learned about other cultures and by the time I was 32 I was incredibly happy (for about 5 years until my father died and then that destroyed my life and I had to start over again trying to figure things out.

Anti-depressants and other drugs as a primary cause of Homicide suicides:

To me, one of the most dangerous classifications of drugs is anti-depressants or mood altering drugs like Prosac, Zoloft, and all the rest.

The problem with these drugs is that they literally alter your brain chemistry so you really lose touch with reality. You can no longer feel normal human emotions because it changes your neurons to function differently. I'm not sure researchers actually completely understand even now what it does to people. However, one of the side affects of these drugs is suicide or murder suicides.

  1. Antidepressants and suicide risk - Wikipedia, the free ...
    The relationship between antidepressant use and suicide risk is uncertain, complicated, and the target of medical research. Some studies have shown that the ...
  2. Antidepressants & Suicide -
    While antidepressants are designed to decrease the symptoms of depression, they occasionally have the opposite effect and can increase suicidal thoughts and ...
  3. NIMH · Antidepressant Medications for Children and ...
    National Institute of Mental Health
    NIMH examination of antidepressant medicine for children and adolescents, to inform parents and caregivers about suicide risk and an examination of SSRI ...
  4. Higher Doses of Antidepressants Linked to Suicidal ...
    MONDAY, April 28, 2014 (HealthDay News) -- When prescribing antidepressants for teens and young adults, doctors should not start with high doses of the ...
  5. Warning: Antidepressants May Lead to Suicidal Tendencies
    Joseph Mercola
    Feb 15, 2012 - Because of antidepressants, many Americans are now prone to suicidal ... Why Are More than One in Ten Americans at Risk for Suicide?
  6. Higher Doses Of Antidepressants May Raise Teen Suicide ...
    Apr 28, 2014 - Antidepressants have been associated with a higher suicide risk in children and young adults, but this study found that there's even more ...
  7. Anti-Depressants Linked to Suicide and Violence
    Food Matters
    Experts are speaking out about the link between Anti-Depressant use and suicide. If you, a loved one, or anyone you know is taking psychiatric medication for ...
    For example, the young man in the BMW who killed all these people is likely to have been a prime candidate for anti-depressants. I'm almost 100% sure that he would have been and will be a poster child for what happens when the wrong person takes anti-depressants and either goes on or off too suddenly or mixes them with other drugs with horrific results.
    However, you have to understand that Anti-depressants are a multi-billion dollar business and that Drug companies (Just like General Motors hid info from 2001 to the present) also drug companies hide and suppress information in the news that is not in their best interests by bribing people and other means. This is just how big companies operate around the world from munitions companies to drug companies to Monsanto and GMO (Genetically modified organisms) to whatever. The truth is suppressed mostly through bribery and intimidation worldwide.
    So, all the components of this young man having a problem with anti-depressants and other drugs likely lead to both his death and the other deaths in this case are there. However, likely this won't be followed up in this direction sort of like all the rest.
    So, you have lemmings who often go over cliffs like this young man and then you have sensible people like you and I who know to never ever use Anti-depressants on ourselves or our children if we actually want them to stay alive to see 30. 

    Later: However, my wife and I later found out that this young man had aspergers syndrome:
    1. Asperger syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      Asperger syndrome (AS), also known as Asperger disorder (AD) or simply Asperger's, is an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that is characterized by significant ...
    2. What is Asperger's Syndrome? Symptoms, tests, Causes ...
      Learn more from WebMD about Asperger's syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder that affects language and behavioral development in children.
    3. Asperger Syndrome | What is Autism? | Autism Speaks
      Autism Speaks
      Asperger syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) considered to be on the “high functioning” end of the spectrum. Affected children and adults have ...
      This is a high level of Autism where likely he could get good grades but wouldn't have been able to interact to his satisfaction on a social level. So, he blamed others for his condition whereas instead it was his autism and being bi-polar from Aspergers which prevented him from seeing the true nature of his own difficulties so he struck out and killed and wounded many others and was likely shot by police end the end. One of his complaints was that he was dying a virgin never having kissed a girl or been on a date.
      It is interesting that this often is the state of Suicide terrorists too because of trying to be disciplined within their religion of being virgins when they blow themselves up.

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