Tuesday, October 15, 2013

8 Seasons of Bones at Netflix

Though I don't like to watch "Vampire Diaries" with my wife and daughter because it just grosses me out, I sometimes watch "Bones" that they stream for free from Netflix (as long as you pay $9 a month for streaming anything you want from netflix that they will allowed to be streamed). If you haven't heard of Bones before or have heard of it and haven't watched it yet, it is a series (it is presently in it's 9th Season on TV) but 8 seasons of it are on Netflix if you want to watch them. We stream from our wifi through our Roku onto our big 60 inch Flatscreen in our living room.(They have them at Costco). Recently I bought another Roku for the Bedroom and bought one for my daughter in Portland and one for friends in Santa Barbara. My friend in Santa Barbara said, "You don't even really need cable to watch TV with a Roku." My response was: "This is basically what my older daughter in Portland does and also what my younger daughter who is 17 do right now. They mostly don't watch Cable TV much at all. In fact, the only time my older daughter watches Cable TV at all is at my home or her friends homes because she and her boyfriend prefer to watch everything online or through Roku. So, this is why I got them a roku and about a 40 inch flatscreen because they didn't want anything bigger. I figured they were old enough now not to have to watch all their movies and programs off an Imac Pro laptop. But that is the way I see things and not necessarily the way young people see it these days. So, I payed for an Amazon Prime account for my older daughter which not only allows you to rent movies electronically (or buy) it also means you don't pay anything when you ship anything you buy from Amazon.com 

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