Sunday, October 13, 2013

Can States fill in while Federal Government is dysfunctional?

If you think about what the United States is it is an aligned 50 nations within one banner that form one state mostly for wartime situations. Historically, if the United States doesn't have an enemy to fight the states tend to war with each other verbally always anyway. So, during this time it likely is possible for some states at least to step into the breech to fill some of the vacuum of the absence of the Federal Government.

You can already see this in some states reopening their National Parks with state money. This prevents continued loss of monies from those states through international tourism related to those national parks as often one of the main reasons people come to the U.S. is it's national parks because often people in their home countries don't have places that are ecologically protected and so large. So this is a draw for people to see large protected areas of national wonders and beauty as well as wild animals which are usually also protected from hunting within National Park boundaries which makes these animals plentiful like Deer, Elk, Moose, Bear, Beavers etc.

But, there are also other ways that states can fill in the void if this whole thing goes on past October 17th and we likely will see this as time goes on.

In some ways the only real limit is the finances of the state combined with the will of the electorate to be creative in making their state a better place for their states citizens as well as visitors from other states and countries.

This could also be a time where "States Rights" actually has some meaning. The only problem with this that I could foresee is if and when the United States Government becomes functional again.
The real problem that I see here is the way funding is presently done looks to be a way to destroy our government permanently and no other country(that I know of) funds their government in exactly the way we do. So, likely this has to be changed or at this point in history people with ill will towards the U.S. are going to misuse this problem with funding to destroy our nation permanently.
I recently was at Disneyland and watched Lincoln on Main STreet talk about how the U.S. if it is ever destroyed will be destroyed from within. He was saying we are too strong a nation to be destroyed from without so we ONLY could be destroyed from within.

This is something for Tea Partiers for now and for other parties who care about what happens to the U.S. long term to consider in the future. Are they presently being used by malevolent forces anywhere on earth to bring down the U.S. for good without their knowledge?

For example, all nations are presently under threat from Globalization. The Internet is presently destroying all nations. The main way it happens is nations can no longer keep any secrets at all.

If you can imagine any family's secrets being publicly known and how that could harm that family or how that family could be blackmailed by that information you get how globalism is destroying all nations 24 hours a day. The other weapon is lies or white lies from all over the world masquerading as the truth and not brought to task. So, literally all nations are being destroyed by both the truth and by white lies or outright lies masquerading as the truth.

This will also change or end all nations eventually, one or the other. Being aware of this we can protect our nation better knowing this is a dynamic presently destroying all nations on earth ongoing.

Some nations mask all information like China does but that only causes mass insanity and death of the ignorant and unempowered across their nation. Other nations do this too and this too causes insanity and death in those nations  and makes the weak completely dysfunctional.

So, understanding that both lies and truth can kill or drive many people insane this is what globalization also does worldwide. Understanding this protects more people than ignorance of this does.

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