Saturday, October 12, 2013

Good reasons for creating new blogs like this one worldwide

My readership often includes Europe, Russia, China, India, Australia, South America, New Zealand and Northern Africa etc. So, blogs like mine allow balanced reporting to reach often remote areas of the earth where reporting might be very sketchy on various subjects for a variety of reasons. So, blogs like mine in these situations help people be aware of what is happening in a more balanced way with sources from all over the earth quoted and used as references to mitigate local biases on any given subject.

I encourage people from all over the world wherever it is safe to do this, to create blogs like mine to better inform people of what is happening around the world. Let us use this new information platform to continue to save lives and to make lives better all over the world through better information systems and better cross sections of views that help human life prosper worldwide and on into the future.

This blog "intuitivefred888" has already reached 260,000 visits worldwide as I write this today.

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