Saturday, October 19, 2013

GPTs only get better with Time

GPTs General Purpose Technologies
 To understand better what Gpts are read the above article I previously wrote a few minutes ago.

Begin quote from:
"Race against the Machine" Chapter 2 (the part dealing with GPTs.

GPTs, then, not only get better themselves over time (and as Moore's law show, this is certainly true of computers). they also lead to complementary innovations in the processes, companies, and industries that make use of them. They lead, in short, to a cascade of benefits that is both broad and deep.

Computers are the GPT of our era, especially when combined with networks and labeled "Information and communications technology" (ICT. Economists Susanto Basu and John Fernald highlight how this GPT allows departures from business as usual.
' the availability of cheap ICT capital allows firms to deploy their other inputs in radically different and productivity-enhancing ways. In so doing, cheap computers and telecommunications equipment can foster an ever-expanding sequence of complementary inventions of industries using ICT.'

Note that GPTs don't just benefit their "home" industries, computers, for example, increase productivity not only in the high tech sector but also in all industries that purchase and use digital gear. And these days that means essentially all industries, even the least IT-intensive American sectors like Agriculture and Mining are now spending billions of dollars each year to digitize themselves. end quote from Chapter 2 of "Race Against the Machine'.

One of the reasons that I write about Purple Delta 7 for example, is that "She?" is sure to come from today. It is also why I wrote 2035 as an intuitive because even though by writing something like this you change time, you also "Enhance time" as well. For example, I don't write about things I sense will happen that I like. I usually only write about things I don't want to happen so they will change.

Because here is the actual beauty of being a precognitive psychic, "IF I tell the world what is coming that I don't like, it isn't going to happen because enough people become aware of it to stop it or change it or modify it to being something better.

So, in many ways what I do at this site is to "Refine Time" into something that more people will enjoy and so less people will suffer over the long haul of the next few thousand to millions of years here on earth. By increasing the happiness of as many as possible, you and I make our lives better and with less suffering for ourselves as well. So, it is in all our enlightened self interests to help make the world a better place ongoing.

If you are interested in reading about Purple Delta 7 or Silver in 2035 here are buttons to my archive site where they live.

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