Sunday, October 13, 2013

In the Electric Mist: Tommy Lee Jones: 2008

Somehow I guess I missed this movie when it came out. So, tonight as I was channel surfing I found it about 10 minutes into it. I knew immediately that with Tommy Lee Jones in it it had to be pretty good. It was. So, I walked into the other room where my wife was watching "Vampire Diaries" (she said 45 episodes on Netflix so far) I said to her that I wanted to DVR "In the Electric Mist which I did  and then let her return to her Roku on Netflix of "Vampire Diaries. But as we began to watch In the Electric Mist after she finished with "Vampire Diaries"  we had already lost about 15 minutes when we DVRed it because I had started watching it on another TV on Cable 5 minutes before. My wife thought that we missed some really important stuff because it was a murder mystery so she insisted we watch it from the beginning and we found it to stream from Netflix through our Roku onto our new 60 inch Flatscreen in the living room.

It was well worth it and we were amazed we had missed such a well done murder mystery with   and 

Tommy Lee Jones - IMDb


Mary Steenburgen - IMDb

So, you can't miss with these actors in Louisiana in the bayous with Ghosts and a murder mystery.

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