Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Jihadist Influx into Syria Making Turkey Nervous

Jihadists flooding into northern Syria put Turkey on edge

Fox News - ‎6 hours ago‎
The brutal, Al Qaeda-linked group rebels invited into Syria to help topple President Bashir Assad has virtually taken over northern Syria, raising fears that its brand of indiscriminate terror could spill into neighboring Turkey, where some 300 U.S ...
Jihadist Influx into Syria Making Turkey Nervous

Jihadist Influx into Syria Making Turkey Nervous

The Al Qaeda-linked groups who were invited to join the rebels’ efforts to topple President Bashar Assad are virtually in control of northern Syria. This has created apprehension over the growing possibility of indiscriminate terror spilling over into neighboring Turkey.  According to a report by Fox News, there are 300 U.S. soldiers now based in Turkey to protect its airspace from Syrian missile attacks.
ISIS – which roughly translates into “Greater Syria” joined the Free Syrian Army’s bid to oust the Assad regime, but is focusing on the creation of the “caliphate” (Islamic empire) over the Middle East. In the towns they gain control of, they have reestablished public executions, and have replaced Syrian flags with Al Qaeda’s.
For now it is thought, according to Fox’s report, that there is no direct threat for Turkey, but that the situation could change eventually.

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Jihadist Influx into Syria Making Turkey Nervous

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