Friday, October 11, 2013

Practicality versus insanity

I have no doubt at all that members of the tea Party are sincere. However, at this point I doubt their practicality in this government shutdown.

It is sort of like "We will save the patient(United States) even if the patient dies while we save him (Uncle Sam).

My father and Grandfather were Very conservative Republicans so I understand conservative Republican points of view. I just don't think right now the Tea Party is practical. Doing what they want is going to starve and even kill a lot of Americans and cause many personal and business bankruptcies without accomplishing what they actually want.

Here is the practical side of this. The Tea Party and conservative Republicans have blocked literally everything and anything good that Obama was trying to do for the U.S. EXCEPT the passage of the Affordable Care Act. There is presently nothing that the Conservatives or tea Party Republicans can bring to the table for him to give his Obamacare up. Nothing.

So, what happens when an irresistible force meets an unmovable object? a Big Explosion like the Big Bang and then everything is gone, even the United States if it is carried to an extreme.

The real problem with the surgery that the Tea Party wishes to perform on the U.S. Government is that it is so extreme at this point that it would destroy the government and citizens lives completely at this point.

They have not convinced or even explained what they are trying to do properly. And even if they have the world (not just all of the U.S.) isn't buying it. Game Over!

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