Monday, October 14, 2013

The Present Insanity of the Tea Party

As we draw nearer to October 17th it becomes clearer to everyone that the possibility of their not being a deal between Democrats and the Tea Party extreme wing of the Republican Party is real.

Though everyone might want a deal the expectations of the Tea Party are so unrealistic as to be impossible under any realistic circumstances. Therefore it may be that our government may collapse from this.

This is possible because I have had visions of President Obama having to declare Martial law for some time because of all this and I have wondered about why I kept having visions of this for the last year or so?

So, possibly things are changing worldwide in a much more fundamental way than people have ever expected. The unrealistic expectations of the Tea Party very possibly will put our nation into a situation that Obama has no choice but to declare martial law to keep enough order for anything to survive here because of unrealistic expectations of the Tea Party. And if he is forced to declare martial law to create order private militias might get massacred by U.S. soldiers to create order here unfortunately. So, the Tea Party has no real idea of both the short and long term consequences of their present actions.

I have said before that I don't think the Tea Party is practical. It is true that they likely are sincere and idealistic but I don't think they have really thought through just how bad this all might turn out for everyone in the world because of their stance.

So, unless this is all a part of the fake war against UFO aliens I heard about in the last 6 months to create a one world government over the world it is going to get very weird in a very different way if agreements are not made soon between the Tea Party and the rest of the Republican and the Democrats including the President. Because if there is no agreement between all parties then a U.S. default of all debts is inevitable which might end this country as a direct result over the next 3 months.

If the U.S de facto ends either a new nation will have to be formed or each of the 50 states will have to go on as their own country. If this happened likely the new 50 states as individual nations would not assume any of the debts of the old U.S. Government. This should be very troubling to everyone on earth but where is the outcry? Where is everyone living in a fantasy?

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