Wednesday, April 15, 2015

screen often says "Protect your files by putting them into the Cloud"

This is a truly asinine statement that only people that know nothing about computers or the Internet would buy into.

It is asinine and stupid in the extreme. Who am I protecting these files from myself? Only if I was protecting myself from ever seeing these files so that everyone on earth could have access to them would this even be true.

I can't believe how audacious the world is in stealing everything from everyone out from under people's noses.

Hey people, I studied Network engineering with the best of them in Silicon Valley in the 1990s before I got a heart virus. Telling you to protect your files by uploading to the cloud is complete Horseshit!

I never (even on my Iphone will EVER upload anything of mine into any Cloud or Icloud. Fuck them! Period!

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