Friday, February 22, 2019

How does one separate Spiritual Stuff from UFO Stuff?

For most people this might not be possible for a variety of reasons.

First of all, whether any of us like this or not, all humanoids have a bond in that we are all humanoids no matter our conditioning otherwise from the past or future or present or other planets or dimensions. Just like all deer have a bond in being deer and all bears have a bond in being genetically bears, humanoids have a similar bond no matter what time they are from or what planet they are from or what dimension or galaxy they are from.

So, even when you might think a being is alien to you, there are still things you have in common.

Let me give you a good example here. During world war II U.S. propaganda made american Soldiers kill people who were german soldiers and Japanese Soldiers when they wouldn't necessarily in normal situations have ever done that in a million years.

Likewise, the U.S. and other countries have shot down UFOs (that could be from anywhere or anywhen) including our future descendents on this planet a lot in the past.

It's true that we are becoming more and more Godless as a world. Is that good or bad?

I'm not sure how to answer that simply because religions often have been state religions. And by this I mean even Communism (the worship of a government instead of God) is a religion and Science I see as a religion and Atheism I see as a religion.

So, in a way anything you believe is a religion including believing in the U.S. and Democracy is also a religion often associated with protestant Christianity or even Catholicism.

So, it all depends upon what you believe in.

So, the problem becomes here "What do you believe in?"

If you don't know then I consider that you are having a problem understanding who you are and what you actually believe.

Because you cannot really survive what is coming in the future here on earth unless you have something to believe in. Because it will get 1000 times more crazy than it already is this century here on earth.

So, define your beliefs so you and your children can survive this century.

By God's Grace

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