Friday, August 18, 2023

2017 and 100,000 visits to this site every month

 This is mostly for people just starting their blogs or thinking about starting a blog.

The first few years I NEVER looked at my statistics page simply because I had my own agenda of what I wanted to write about.

However, around 2011 I began to look at my statistics page and really couldn't believe what people wanted to read at my site.

As I got to think about it I realized I'm intereseted in many different things in life and often my interests intersect with my readers and so I decided to give my readers what they wanted to read about according to how many visits to each article they made there worldwide.

This grew my site from 2011 to 2017 to 100,000 visits per month.

However, then I had some health problems and couldn't spend the time anymore doing what I did before so now I'm writing more about what I want to write or compile or a combination of along the way than I was before in thinking more about my readers.

So, what I'm doing now is more a meditation or contemplation.

I find I get a lot of peace studying about what interests me along the way. I understand myself and the world much better as I study and learn more about it and hopefully my readers do to.

So, for me, writing and compiling information is about becoming more enlightened and enlightening others too.

Unless you are really lucky you don't get to old age and peace and enlightenment by being ignorant, even though sometimes this happens too.

But, one of the perks of enlightenment and moving towards further and futher levels of enlightenment is you become less and less afraid every day.

The world really is not such a scary place if you understand what is happening here and protect yourselves and others whenever you can and learn to be a mentor to others if they will listen to your wisdom that you have garnered through the years.

By God's Grace

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