Friday, August 18, 2023

Fred's theory about The Solar System and Earth as Electrical Dynamos

 Possibly because of my father training me to be an electrician as a child and young man on weekends and summers until I was 17 I tend to see the whole solar system as a type of electrical generator sort of like a system of dynamos.

The primary electrical dynamo is the Sun and the gravity of the sun holds the planets from flying off into space much the same way that the Black Hole in the center of EVERY Galaxy holds the stars and planets nad nebulas and other things to it as it spins in space and moves through space.

Also, I sort of see galaxies as living creatures much like Jellyfish or other organisms. I don't see the galaxy or the solar system as lifeless things. I also see them as intelligent and sentient but maybe in a different way than we are because their perception of time and space might be very different than humans see things.

So, Earth is an electrical dynamo and every so often it has a hiccup electrically and goes through a Geomagnetic Excursion quite frequently actually. But, I think the Geomagnetic excursions might have more to do with what is happening on the sun than on the earth.

Likewise since the main electrical generator for the solar system is the sun we are here on earth magnetically connected to the sun in various ways in addition to gravity and this magnetism is a part of the electrical nature of the Sun and Solar System. When the Earth's core changes speeds (for whatever the reason this is also a part of the electrical generating system that the Sun and the Solar system are.

And the solar system and the Galaxy are actually living things and it helps to experience this because it brings peace into one's life to more fully understand this and that all of us are a part of the organisms of the earth and the sun and the solar system and the galaxy. we are all a part of these lifeforms. 

By God's Grace

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