Saturday, August 26, 2023

Russia is at war with all democracies on earth through Ukraine. So, it makes sense they would use propaganda through unwitting westerners to try to win

 Since Russia is "Attacking all democracies" on earth through Ukraine it surprises me that Americans in the Trump "Cult of Personality" don't see this. It reminds me a little of Hitler and even Putin. However, I think of Trump as one of Putin's oligarchs bought and paid for through

Deutsche Bank

Loans in Germany that Putin co-signed for since Trump had screwed over every bank he ever dealt with and not paid his bank loans to all the other banks on earth. So, Putin through the

Deutsche Bank in Germany

 has turned Trump into a Russian Oligarch working for him because otherwise Trump could get no bank loans anywhere on earth without Putin co-signing for him at this point and he would be "OUT OF BUSINESS" and bankrupt without Putin helping him. 

UNfortunately, Trump's supporters either don't know about this or don't believe it or don't care about Trump being a de Factor Russian Oligarch under Putin.

I'm not sure why this is the way it is.

However, it is obvious to me that since Russia is now at war with all democracies on earth and China is directly or indirectly taking Russia's side against all democracies that it is obvious to me that both Russia and China are having a blitzkrieg of propaganda that they are trying on Trump's supporters and people who think like him worldwide in order to bring down western democracies into totalitarian states one by one.

However, like I said before somehow Trump's supporters either don't know about this or they just don't care about democracies surviving anymore one or both. 

Here's the problem:

If they elect Trump since he works for Putin in secret then the U.S. would become more a part of Russia and China and not a democracy anymore.

By not realizing this people voting for Trump are slitting their own throats and the throats of all their children, grandchildren, relatives and friends through this ignorance or confusion or whatever you want to call it.

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