Saturday, August 26, 2023

In reality Arcane is a very trusted Galactic Saint and can transit timelines even here on earth between the first and 2nd timeline

Arcane: Also known as Saint Germain is a Galactic Saint recognized by the leader of this galaxy as a Saint. Because of his Galactic Saint Status he basically has Carte Blanche (sort of like a Time Lord like His Oneness of Earth from ancient Lemuria as well).

So, to see Arcane as a completely trusted Galactic Saint Recognized and trusted by the Entire Galactic Government is likely useful.

Then Eridian (Meridian) gave to Arcane when he was around 27 to 30 the Green Sphere which can travel through solid objects and visit literally any time or space on any planet or inside any star or nebula instantly. 

What is the power source of this Green Sphere? Most of the Galaxy and other Galaxies might want to know the answer to this question but it is a secret that very few beings in this galaxy or any other galaxy actually know about.

What would you do with a time and space ship that can travel through solid objects without damaging the people or beings inside and literally travel to any time or known space in this galaxy or possibly any other?

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