Thursday, August 24, 2023

Since the counters reset about 3 or 4 times since 2007 it is likely that I presently have around 10 million visits to this site in total at this point

3,122,953 is what my counters regarding visits here at this site presently read. So, obviously they have finally fixed the counters so they go above 2 million at some point along the way.

However, since 2007 I found that for a long time the counters only went to somewhere around 2 million visits and the counters kept resetting themselves back to zero at least 4 or 5 times since 2007. So, my thought is that my present number of visits to this site are likely from 10 to 12 million visits so far. The most visits were in 2017 when I had 100,000 visits per month that whole year. However, then I started to have more health problems after I turned 70 in 2018 when one of the medicines I was taking went sideways and I didn't realize how sick I was and how much I needed that medicine (or another one) so it took me about a month to recover from that ignorant mistake at that point. Luckily I have been on Medicare since age 65 which was likely for me around 2013 or 2014 which makes health changes more financially bearable. 

I can remember when I was 64 having to pay 1800 dollars a month for full medical coverage. I really don't know how most people who cannot afford this amount of money for medical insurance actually survive from about age 45 to 65 which is when private health insurance is too impossibly high for most people to endure. However, my wife insisted I have full health care after we got together in 1994 and married in 1995. So, since I was 47 I have had full coverage which is mostly why I'm still alive at 75.

I would recommend everyone have full health insurance coverage from age 40 to 45 onward to avoid a catastrophic bill which could put you in bankruptcy and losing your home or other things otherwise.

Hopefully reading this you will find helpful to your ongoing survival and health.  

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