Saturday, August 19, 2023

What if beings from our future earth come back from 500,000 years into the future?

The Title is a paraphrase of something Steven Spielberg said on the Steven Colbert show. Because of the writers and actors strike older late night shows that are reruns are being run lately so I watched this one tonight that I had recorded on my Tivo recently.

I got to thinking about what he said and it reminded me of Elohar and Ragna and how when my memories unveiled fully from 1974 at Bunny Flat on mt. Shasta around 2002 I remembered beings that were humanoid but without noses or ears and who laughed like dolphins (because dolphins don't have human noses either but slits instead). So, maybe they weren't actually from 7028 AD and maybe they were really far into the future where noses (which are a genetic adaptation for rain to run off us when we are out int he rain so we can breathe without drowning and where ears are genetic adaptations for shedding rain and snow also more than anything else. And even though originally we needed to hear animals coming to eat us, it might not be as useful if most animals and trees and other things might be gone from the world in the future where we live indoors then and might not even camp out anymore for fun.

But, if you are living underground or in buildings for thousands of years noses and ears might go away slowly in a process of evolution because you wouldn't need them anymore because you are not like a wild animal or wild humanoid anymore. So, what he said made sense to me in this context. 

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