Sunday, August 27, 2023

In reading what is the world's oldest Language:

It is interesting to me that Sanskrit which is no longer really spoken but that has some people still speaking something similar in Central India is the father and the mother of many different present day languages like Hindi, Nepali or (Newari) and the Tibetan Language. However, what surprised me most was to learn that the Russian Language also has a Sanskrit base that it comes from Too whereas the Chinese languages are not related directly to Sanskrit at all. So, this is what interested me a lot because I spent 4 or 5 months with my family in India and Nepal and hung out with many Tibetans in Nepal and Dharamshala after my family and I received the Kalachakra Tantra 4 day initiation into Shambala. After I received this initiation I began to have experiences with who I call "His Oneness" who actually lives in Shambala and who is from Ancient Lemuria and who is the appointed Time Lord of Earth for at least 40,000 to the last 200,000 years. So, when you read about "His Oneness of Lemuria" I am also talking about "The King of Shambala" also (at least according to my own experiences with him and Shambala here on earth.

This was my experience from all of this even though I began writing about Arcane at least before this time. So, I can't remember right now when I first wrote about "His Oneness" but since 1985 and the Kalachakra Tantra I have written for sure about his Oneness of Lemurian who is and was the Time Lord sent to earth to keep Galactic Time for the leader of our Galaxy and who as given the "Time Pool" so he could observe what happens down all timelines related to earth and to police them for the Galactic Good since Earth is a Galactic national Park and it appeasr we are a part of the wild life of this Galactic National Park and always have been (at least from a Galactic point of view). So, as humans we also are protected by the Galactic Government from harm in the main.

By God's Grace

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