Thursday, August 24, 2023

COVID-19 rates rising again throughout California

This fact doesn't really surprise me after 6 people of my family got Covid just in July. And they lived in places like portland, Oregon and Orange County, California and Santa Barbara. So, I knew that Covid was spreading throughout the west coast already in July when I saw this. Because all this is about probabilities and from this I knew that the probability is that it wasn't just my family but all families that were getting Covid more starting in July 2023. This doesn't mean people are going to die unless they are either in poor health or over 45 or 50 years of age. Besides all my family members survived this even those older than 50. Besides, I never stopped wearing a mask inside Public places because I'm in my 70s out of an abundance of Caution. So, if you are in your 70s it is likely a good idea to be wearing a KN-95 mask inside all public places (especially if you live on the west coast of the U.S.

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