Saturday, August 19, 2023

Like Many of you I'm very concerned if 10 inches of rain hits almost anyplace in the deserts for a variety of reasons (regarding hurricane Hilary)

 For example, if it hit Death Vallely like it did last summer where I think they might have gotten 3 or 4 inches of rain and it buried cars and trucks in mud and cut paved roads and stranded people all over the place a year ago last August.

Another vulnerable place not in the desert would be places like the hills above Montecito where 25 people died after a fire from a sudden rainstorm. They still haven't rebuilt many of the houses that were washed away in the mud and rocks still there.

So, what I'm saying is I could envision 10 inches of rain hitting a 10,000 foot mountain range (and there are a lot of these in California because we have places like Mt. Whitney (tallest mountain in the lower 48 states) and many many peaks (maybe up to 100 in the state above 8000 to 10,000 feet or more. If 10 inches of rain hit any of these places and if these places bordered a desert and if there were people living there their houses could easily be buried under mud with the people still in them if they didn't know it was coming.

As an intuitive I get a sick feeling that reminds me of what happened to Lahaina in a fire only this time it would be maybe a whole town or development buried under a flood of 10 inches suddenly hitting them out of a mountain range nearby. So, at this point I'm very conerned about many places From Mexico to Southern California to Las Vegas to Arizona to Nevada and points North wherever the rain heads next.

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