Tuesday, August 15, 2023

One of the signs of a Geomagnetic Excursion or complete geomagnetic Reversal would be the speed at which magnetic north is now moving

Magnetic North and South are moving incredibly fast to the point where in the 1970s so jets wouldn't just run into each other willy nilly, the Global Positioning Satellites were first put up in space to prevent fighter jet collisions for better navigation. This is because even by then the Magnetic North and South Poles were moving so fast. This could be one of the signs that Earth is either moving into a geomagnetic excursion or a complete geomagnetic Reversal.

However, since Governments don't want to panic people they say instead that we are experiencing Global Warming caused by human overpopulation and burning fossil fuels.

The problem is that both problems could be happening simultaneously in that the global Warming phenomenon AND either a geomagnetic Reversal or Geomagnetic excursion could be happening at the same time.

However, you cannot have a geomagnetic reversal AND a Geomagnetic Excursion at the same time. It has to be one or the other.

However, each of these things take about 1000 to 10,000 years to be sure either one is happening. They are not quick moving events which is another reason why governments don't want to talk about something like this.

Because one of the effects of both an excursion or a complete reversal is major genetic changes to everything on earth which is above 10 feet underground or above 50 feet underwater. Things that live deeper than this won't be as affected in their genetic changes as everything above 50 feet underwater or above 10 feet underground. 

I think these are some of the reasons why you don't hear more about these likely ongoing changes here on earth for all of us.

So, the weather and geomagnetic effects and genetic changes from all these things potentially happening at once is a definite cause for concern for all of mankind in the short run and in the long run.

However, since we are dealing with time lines of 1000 to 10,000 years you likely won't hear too much about all these changes happening at once.

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