Thursday, August 31, 2023

Wargames(1983) when you watch this movie this was pretty much how the average person saw nuclear war as they speak in this movie

Dr. Falken also (among the intelligentsia of the U.S.) typifies also how American intelligent educated people thought. In other words "We were all going to die in a nuclear holocaust" It wasn't if it was ONLY When from about 1950 to 1989. Then in 1989 or around there when the Berlin Wall fell one day this all changed. What was more realistic: "Preparing for us all to die?" or thinking that when the Berlin Wall fell that all this had changed somehow and we were all free of that worldwide?

I'm not sure which idea makes the most sense to me now after being 35 in 1983 and growing up with the bomb and everyone waiting to die in a nuclear holocaust from about 1950 until 1989 or 1990.

However, from my point of view thinking everyone might be okay and not get nuked after 1990 probably kept a whole lot more people out of mental institutions because many people lost their minds worldwide worrying about "When?" they were going to get nuked.

However, my point of view is this: "Everyone is going to die. It's only a matter of when."

If you worry about when you are going to die then you will never be able to really LIVE or have any joy in your life at all.

One of the most beautiful things in my life is going from seeing death come closer and closer to me after my father died in 1985 until I myself believed I might die in 1998 and 1999. However, in real life this made me look at life differently after 1999.

What happened to me was "Being Grateful for every moment I had left with my family and friends here on earth." Worrying about dying ceased and living each moment as a retired person and enjoying life while I could began.

This is why since June of 1999 have been the best years of my life.

By the Grace of God

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