Friday, February 15, 2019

How to quote a word button or "Link" at your blog

link: There are several ways to create a link to another site, a page on your own site, a downloadable file, or an email address: a Text Link, Image Link, Button Link, and Navigation Link. Text Link. Any text you enter into a Text or Title element can be turned into a link (or hyperlink).

I'm assuming (right or wrong) that you are trying to do this here at . If you are doing something else I guess you will have to figure it out yourselves somehow.

When you go to your "Compose" place (make sure you are not in "HTML" doing this this way by the way. Here we are trying to create a "Link" or word button (same thing) but more common usage would be called a "hypertext" "link" or word button. HTML is "hypertext Transfer markup Language" that is used for making web pages all over the internet using servers or other computers left on 24 hours a day for this purpose.

Let's do something relatively easy. Open another window besides your blogger window. For example, an easy one is .  However, any word button that you want to quote from another site you can also quote here at your web site using this method.

Now choose any word button you see that you want to put at your site so people can find that article and click on it at your site.

Now, with your mouse you put the cursor on one end or the other of the word button and you left click while dragging the cursor over the button you want.

Now if it is completely covered in blue or purple now (and stays that way) go up to Edit (if you are in  Google Chrome like I am now). It says at the top of your page on the left top "Chrome" then "File" then "Edit". Now click "Edit" and a menu drops down and so click now on "copy" which should copy your word button from your or other page to your computers memory. Now change to your "Compose" window and put your cursor where you want that word button to appear on your page.

Now click on Edit again and the drop down menu. This time click on "Paste" which should paste the word button to your "Compose" page. make sure you click where you want the word button to go.

The word button should appear if you did everything right on your compose page now. To test if this worked right hit "Publish" to your right top of your page. Now, go check to see if your word button works on your article that you just published online.

You get better at this with time. Just be patient with yourself as you get good at all this over time.

However, here is a consideration for you. I don't monetize my site at all. In other words I have never received a penny for anything I have ever done here. So, this helps me in what I am doing in various ways. So, if your site is monetized I would ask a lawyer or a legal aide in regard to what you need to be thinking about regarding all this. IN other words my site is considered to be a free public Service worldwide wherever it goes where Google Goes. If your site is another type of site than mine you might want to ask for legal advice for this reason. But, if your site is not monetized likely you are okay regarding quoting and sharing word buttons. This is the best information I have at present.

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