Friday, October 11, 2013

Cruise Ship in Long Beach Harbor today

Parked in the ocean (anchored) nearby the Queen Mary in Long Beach Harbor was the cruise ship
Carnival Inspiration which was taking on passengers across it's gangplanks from the geodesic dome staging area next to the Queen Mary nearby.

We were sailing with my cousin today and we were reaching hull speed on his sailboat most of the time because of really great winds for sailing today and the seas inside the breakwaters weren't that big so sailing was really fun without too many rollers and breakers. So mostly we had incredible winds without anything really much to deal with except wakes from larger ships which just sort of made it an all around great day for sailing. The temperature was around 70 degrees Fahrenheit also which made it an ideal day for sailing. The only drawback for me was that I forgot to sunscreen but I hadn't shaved since last night so the stubble sort of stood in for sunscreen. Great sailing day! The four of us had a really great day of sailing which was just what my wife needed after this summer.

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