Friday, October 11, 2013

The Queen Mary

I stayed in the Queen Mary in Long Beach Harbor in 2006 after the funeral of one of my best childhood friends. The lightning storm struck the ship many times. It was like my friend saying "Hi" from the other side. When we stayed here the food was interesting and we took a tour of the ship including one of the "Ghost Tours" because you could definitely feel the "Ghosts" of the ship in some areas especially. If you visit you will notice it too. Many allied soldier were transported to Europe during the Second World War on this ship especially from  the U.S. to Great Britain before the Normany invasion as I understand it. I haven't researched this recently but this is what I remember about it. My wife's grandparents on both sides took a trip on the Queen Mary also when she was a little child in either the late 1950s or early 1960s while they were all still alive together. However, this "World National Monument of History" is still intact and living in Long Beach Harbor and people still tour it and I believe they also still rent rooms there and have restaurants operating there.

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