Monday, October 7, 2013

Combining As Drones Evolve and Silver and Bret: Best Friends

I decided to combine "As Drones Evolve" and "Silver and Bret: Best Friends" because I'm wanting to write more about them now. I was discouraged earlier this year to have "As Drones Evolve" hacked so I lost the end of it because I hadn't kept a copy separate from what I had out on the web beyond a certain point. So I would recommend all you writers out there not to make the mistake I made this year too. Also, don't leave your blogging password on your computer or in the cloud, only type it in fully or partially each time as a way of protecting your work. Also, always keep an up to date copy of your work in Word or in hardcopy so you don't lose it in any way if you care about keeping what you have written. Sometimes, you just cannot  repeat what you have written in the future so it is important not to lose those precious writing moments when everything flows perfectly and you know it.
above is a word button to reach both of them. Silver and Bret: Best Friends(what is written up to October 7th)  is there as well as of today.

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