Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Singularity: The World is just Changing too fast for some people to cope with

I was thinking tonight how what is happening in Congress is symptomatic of a perfectly normal reaction to the Singularity. In otherwords when things are changing too fast in the world for people to be able to adapt to often they make strange decisions as a direct result. So, the world has changed to far too fast for many groups since the 1950s.

I actually lived through the 1950s as a child so I know just how different everything was then. There were only 2 billion people on earth then not 7 billion for one thing. 2nd, gasoline even in 1969 could be purchased some places for 17 cents a gallon. These may not seem like big things to you now but by 1973 to 1975 people were paying up to 85cents a gallon for gas by then. So, imagine if you were paying $4 a gallon for gas already and a couple of years later (85cents divided by 17cents) and all of a sudden you were paying $20 dollars a gallon for gas. This is what it would be like now. Or more recently paying 1.12 a gallon and now paying $5 a gallon for gas.

So, whether you see the problem as technology changing too fast, or the weather changing too fast, or jobs going away and changing too fast, many people are lost in the lurch or better said,  thousands and millions of lurches worldwide.

So, people of conservative points of view might not catch up to the changes now ever worldwide. So, the fact that the Tea Party which is "Wacko Bird" Conservative that even traditional conservatives disavow, it makes sense that we are seeing people even in congress being this "out of touch" with any semblance of reality in regard to just even practicality.

So, my assessment of what is happening in Congress is the inability to deal with the present speed of change on earth that has now come to a completely dysfunctional level. And if our government cannot move fast enough to serve us then we are definitely in trouble as a nation. And if the U.S. is in trouble the rest of the world is actually in worse trouble than we are.

And many people who cannot adapt to this actually might not survive when it starts changing 10 times faster than this or 100 times faster in the near future. Getting prepared for this will be necessary for anyone who actually wants to survive what is coming now in the near and far future. So, survival is not only about technology it is about surviving with less jobs than now because of technology and of different jobs than now in addition to stronger and stronger storms and winds and warming all over the earth.

I was watching for example, the movie "Captain Phillips" today with Tom Hanks and I was thinking about how the Somali Pirates thought about what they were doing. They were chewing something called Khat which is: Khat contains a monoamine alkaloid called cathinone, an amphetamine-like stimulant, in order to board the ship in adverse conditions. So, all the Somali pirates basically were high on an organic form of speed while taking the ship and were not eating any food just water.

Then we have Navy SEALS that come in with snipers with computer tracking sniper rifles who all fire within 1/2 second of each other ( 3 or 4 of them) and when they get 4 green lights the somali pirates are picked off within 1/2 second.

The Somali pirates are the past (maybe 1000 years ago). The Seals are the present and the future(with high technology) and the contrast is kind of insane. The Somali pirate-Navy Seal Divide is sort of where the two extremes are on earth now and the contrast is pretty crazy and unforgiving for everyone here now.

Some people say the Singularity is a single point in time. I think that's wrong. The Singularity is already occuring and just speeding up every moment and every day. Though it is true there will be a moment when no one can ever predict what will happen after that but to some degree this is true right now.

If you were 15 in 1890 could you have predicted with any accuracy the 20th or 21st century? I think not. You couldn't even have vaguely guessed what would have happened. The same is true of now.
So, I guess what I'm saying to you is: "No one is prepared for what is coming". No one. So, even if you are preparing for it it is bound to catch you off guard.

But, if you aren't preparing for it it is very likely you won't survive at all.(wherever you are on Earth)

And this is why we are seeing the most amounts of deaths presently in 3rd world nations from the weather and this will only increase in the future as storms of all kinds get worse over the years now from Global Climate Change.

Presently, my biggest concerns on this front as an intuitive are winds over 100 miles per hour around civilization and too much evaporation at one time all over earth could cause too many clouds which could create an ice age within any 2 week to 4 week period most likely during some winter in the Northern hemisphere. However, for now, the worst problem is winds over 100 miles per hour caused by increasing heating of the planet which causes winds to become explosively faster at times. Because if people are out in winds this fast unless they are holding onto a tree or fence post they will be blown away and that likely will be the end of them.

Note: Something to know about ice ages. The Mastodons in Alaska were found with spring flowers in their mouths. So, as they were eating flowers they suddenly all froze to death one day. With all that fur on them this is something to think about how they all could just freeze solid one day. How could the weather go from springtime to deep freeze during one day or even one moments time? Can this happen again? Maybe.

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