Sunday, October 6, 2013

We now have a world full of scientists who have no faith and faithful who have no reason

And that's a great loss for all of us.-Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat, Pray Love).

I too, mourn the loss to humanity of scientists with no faith and faithful with no reason. Because both extremes dehumanizes humanity and makes us out of touch with ourselves.

My solution to this dilemma which in the end often leads to suicide of both extremes was Buddhism which is a logical place to go. Though people in the western world say that Buddhism doesn't believe in God in the end that is only semantics at best and cultural confusion at worst.

So, for me, the loss is spirituality and compassion and kindness, which is what I find when either faith or reason is lacking. When reason is lacking there is only judgement and criticism of others. When faith is lacking often there is no moral compass at all and things like nuclear weapons get invented which nearly has destroyed the human race completely and still may in the future.

So, what is the answer? I guess  faith and reason must be there or the human race goes extinct.
But, what kind of faith and what kind of reason will it be? It has to be on an individual basis for it to have any meaning at all. No longer can either faith or reason just be forced upon people. It just doesn't work that way anymore for humanity. I don't think it ever really did.

Note: By the way I got this quote from page 60 of Time Magazine with "majority rule" crossed out on the cover October 14th 2013.

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