This is one way to look at this. Any person who is psychologically unstable (usually between about 12 and 25 or 30) that finds a loaded gun that someone else owns (usually a friend or relative) goes out in a fit of rage against society and offs a whole bunch of people before they off themselves.
This is classic (suicidal homicidal rage). In a state like this it is self hate to the point of suicide but then it also spills over in this state to murder. Because suicide and homicide are two sides of the same coin.
In fact, most murderers are suicidal and vicariously kill themselves by killing others because they are afraid of killing themselves.
Then on top of this you have world overpopulation which also engenders in males a need to eliminate competition by killing them. This is a mammalian response that is exactly the same as when male lions or male bears kill the offspring of a female of their species when it isn't their offspring. So this is a normal mammalian response that is completely unacceptable to modern day society because we no longer live according to the laws of the jungle and of nature.
So, though societal laws are not natural laws they are the laws we all prefer to live under so we aren't all killed by mostly young men acting like this whether they are sociopaths or terrorists by nature or by training.
However, then there is the other side to this (I just gave you the micro side now here is the macro side to this).
On a macro level if you take away gun rights from the U.S. citizen then you might be ending the U.S. system of governance.
Think about it this way: the U.S. could have never existed in the first place if everyone didn't already have a gun for self protection and for hunting.
So, if you take away this right you end the United States either form within or without I would say within 25 to 75 years. There are many ways the U.S. would end. One way is volunteer police forces becoming more loyal to their forces than the community. Another way is non-drafted soldiers becoming more loyal to their commanders than they are to the community they serve.
All armies get like this statistically within about 50 years of not having a draft.
So, it is necessary to have citizen militias to counteract these political nepotism types of situations than inevitably occur in all nations given enough time and nepotism and change.
Then there are outside forces that want to take over the U.S.
Imagine someone like Putin using KGB tactics if no one had weapons in their homes to protect themselves?
Let's say he started sending in secretly his KGB agents and thugs into Maine taking one city at a time through Canada. If he moved very slowly slowly taking over areas it might not be obvious to everyone what was actually going on. So, at some point it might only be citizen militias with 30 odd 6s and Kalashnikovs and other army rifles that would stop this incursion.
So, protecting the nation as a last resort always should be the citizenry with assault weapons like 30 odd 6 rifles that can stop a car or 10 people by shooting through the crankcase of almost any vehicle. A 30 odd 6 can also bring down an elephant or a bear or a moose or go through about 10 people without stopping. This was the basic weapon of World War I and II and almost every soldier had one.
So, yes a nut job with a loaded weapon equals murder and suicide these days. So, how do we keep loaded weapons out of the hands of nut jobs?
To the best of my ability I write about my experience of the Universe Past, Present and Future
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