Thursday, March 17, 2016

You thought you were going to an election and wound up at a Bar Fight?

This is a comment from a news commentator that I thought was very appropriate of this years election.

Yes. It is entertaining like a TV show but is that how we want our Country Governed?

 Yes. It is true that the Revolutionary War likely started out as a series of Bar Fights but haven't we moved on from that?

Or have we?

In some ways the status quo is no longer valid because the common people don't support it anymore. So, maybe a Bar Fight is the only way to take back our country from the elite.

So, there may be more violence this year than people want or expect like there was during the last Social Revolution at the Democratic Convention in 1968 in Chicago.

The main difference is that this year likely the violence will be at the Republican Convention this time.

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