Friday, March 7, 2014


Millenials are people 18 to 33 years old.
50% consider themselves politically independent (loyalty to to no party)
Much less religious
58% certain that God exists (I've written about this much more Agnostic or atheist generation before)
26% married compared to 48% of Baby Boomers at same age
Like generations before they are self absorbed like most 18 to 33 year olds as well.
Buzz Feed_ an online site catering to Millenials
This generation would like to believe in the American Dream but know for now it is dead in reality though that might change in the future sometime. Because right now they are in debt going to college with not enough jobs good enough to pay off their debts. (even though over the course of a lifetime those with college degrees tend to fair better financially than others simply because of the perseverance it takes to get any college degree.

And they are more technologically efficient and knowledgeable generally than previous generations before them.

This generation is more earnest and more easily offended than previous ones (likely because of Facebook and other social media sites).

Source: NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams March 7th 2014

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