Monday, March 10, 2014

Too Far Fast Forward: Being Human?

I definitely have not been a fan of "Being Human" but one episode back or so they got into time travel and I happened to watch one because I was interested in the Time Travel scenarios they started going through. But, I still really am not into watching something about Twilight type versions of Werewolves and Vampires because I'm not into what I call the "Slippery Slope" type of non-moralism in these types of series. However, what they are doing with Time travel was interesting to me on multiple levels. So, I have watched the last two episodes to try to grasp what was happening on a "Time Travel" level.  My youngest daughter and wife seem to like this series so they watch it together and I don't usually because it is too violent for me (even though sometimes it is emotionally interesting as people interact sort of like teenagers or twentysomethings). But, I usually make a choice not to watch it so I don't have this kind of stuff going through my subconscious when I don't need that.

So, if you are interested in Time Travel you might want to watch "Too Far Fast Forward" and the previous one or so where the girl travels into the future and isn't a ghost anymore for awhile.

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